Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Dragons and Synthetic Muscle Fire Off to Space

SpaceX Falcon 9 launch, April 14, 2015

Godspeed, SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket and Dragon capsule! I love living on the Space Coast and seeing launches with my own eyes. Although nothing beats humans soaring into the skies, I love witnessing science happen in space. And who doesn't love the fire and the roar?

I previously wrote about my role as a Scientific Research Analyst at the Center for the Advancement ofScience in Space. CASIS has four payloads on-board this Dragon and I'm so proud to have played a tiny role in one of them.

CASIS partnered with MassChallenge, a start-up competition and incubator program. Some of the competitors had great ideas to conduct research in space for the benefit of life on Earth. During the MassChallenge judging period, my job ramped up to a crazy degree! We were given several projects at once to evaluate and not much time before the winners were chosen. My department was a mad house at that time, working to find suitable subject matter experts in a large diversity of subjects to fairly evaluate all of the proposals submitted to us. We shined!

One proposal I had the pleasure of working on was by Ras Labs, a company that develops synthetic muscle for amputees. Ras Labs proposed to test their synthetic muscle electroactive polymers in space where radiaton exposure is greatly increased. By testing the radiation resistance of the material, Ras Labs can be confident that its products are safe for extreme environments on Earth. This proposal was awarded and today it flies to space. It's so rewarding to see it off!

It was a lovely day for a launch!

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